Saturday, January 3, 2009

Grilling Goodness # 12

Thanks Tina for taking time out of your VERY busy schedule to think up more wonderful questions. Happy 2009!

1. If you could have done something different in 2008, what would it be?
I think 2008 was pretty good, not sure there is anything I would change.

2. What is something that you know will happen in 2009?
My baby will turn 10 and I will turn 30.

3. What is something that you hope will happen in 2009?
I hope that I will really stay serious about getting healthy.

4. Do you already have a vacation planned for this year?
Hopefully a short trip to Chicago in May, provided my husband finds a new job (prayers welcome). We took a big trip in 2008 so the budget isn't allowing for a major vacation in 2009.

5. Are you relieved that the holidays are over?
Yes, ready for things to slow down and get back to normal.

6. Did you make a resolution? Will you share it?
Not really into resolutions, I think people make them knowing they will be broken. I do have high hopes to be more healthy, eat better and exercize and to stop wasting so much money eating out.

7. How old will you turn in 2009?
I will be 30 this year, start planning the celebration now.

8. What did you do to celebrate the New Year?
We had a game night/ celebration at our house. It was fun, we might have to make it a tradition.


Debbie said...

Look....I posted too!

Tina said...

You're welcome, friend!!

I LOVE game nights!!

3. How's it going so far?? Good for me!!

McFurr said...

3. SO far so good, only 3 days in though. I haven't had a Mt Dew or Sweet tea though, that takes will power.